Is there really no “I” in Team?

This is an old sporting adage often seen in many changerooms and workplace team meeting rooms around the world. Depending on their modus operandi, coaches and leaders beg, beseech, implore, cajole or aggressively demand their players buy into this belief. I remember playing sport for many years and never questioning this, it had become such […]

Forest Bathing for improved Wellbeing

Forest bathing is a new term for the way all humans once engaged with the environment around them. As we have become more and more urbanised and connected to technology, we have become increasingly disconnected from the natural environment around us. Called Shinrin Yoku by the Japanese, a term which means forest bath, it still […]

The power of being present

It is a new year and many of us will be hoping for something better than the last one. New Year resolutions come and go, often leaving us feeling worse as once again we fail to turn a wish or hope into a reality. What if it didn’t need to be that way? What if […]

So this is Christmas!

As John Lennon famously sang “Another year over, a new one just begun”, but before we get to the next year, we need to finish the remnants of the old one. Often this period is fraught with angst and stress as families gather for Christmas or New Year celebrations. We start the festive season with […]

Your business greatest asset!

Your business greatest asset! Time after time I hear businesses proclaiming that “our people are our greatest asset”. It would be fantastic if that were the case and not just fine sounding words emblazoned on posters in work areas. Sadly, I have worked with many businesses who don’t walk the talk, and that is a […]

Empathy or Compassion?

Over recent years it has become common for people to see empathy as a desirable factor in people’s nature. Books have been written about developing empathy and how to nurture it in children as they grow up. It has become a powerful slur to accuse someone to be lacking empathy, inferring they are uncaring as […]

Surviving or Thriving?

The difference  between surviving and thriving is massive but has less to do with life circumstances and everything to do with how you choose to think about them. Having personally experienced thyroid and prostate cancer with two strokes thrown in for added value I am well acquainted with the challenges that health issues bring. What […]

Feedback isn’t criticism.

One of the most powerful ways to relate well with those around us and get the best possible result in challenging situations is to know how to give feedback. Very few people know how to give feedback, but most people mistakenly believe that what they are saying and doing is in fact feedback! To help […]

Seven Connecting Habits

In a previous column I spoke about seven habits which are damaging and destructive to any relationship. No matter how strong and healthy the relationship is at the beginning, if the people in the relationship start using the disconnecting habits of criticising, threatening, punishing, blaming, complaining, nagging or rewarding to control, eventually that relationship will […]

Seven Disconnecting Habits

All of us have learned many habits of behaviour from the day we were born. Some of those habits will get us closer to those we care about whilst others will drive us further apart. How well we meet our needs in life and how deeply content and happy we are is directly related to […]