All Behaviours are Habits, and That’s a Good Thing

Many creatures when born have genetically programmed into them nearly all the behaviours they will ever need. In fact, such creatures are left to fend for themselves right from the moment they are born. They already know how to feed themselves, how to find food and how to reproduce. There are no periods of helplessness […]

The Positive Effects of Internal Control Psychology

My last column was about the damage to relationships caused by external control psychology.  Today I want to share that the only thing on the planet we truly control is ourselves, that may seem obvious, but very few people live by the ethos of internal control psychology; its use is the secret behind all great […]

The Damaging Effects of External Control

One of the biggest problems in the world today and the root cause of every conflict, argument or fight that ever occurred, is a psychology called External Control. It has been stated that up to 90% of the world’s population may operate using this psychology as a basis for their thinking and relationships. External Control […]

Random Acts of Kindness are Good for You

Many studies have shown that performing acts of kindness to others has lasting benefits for the receiver and also for the giver. Most people are unaware how powerful this effect is, it impacts every aspect of our wellbeing, mentally and physically. So how does it work? When we are kind, we stimulate hormones responsible for […]

Are We Really Time Poor?

When did we first start believing we are time poor? Who promotes this idea and why might they be doing it? These are really good questions and ones that are not simply answered. It is interesting to note that the advertising industry, who really want to sell you more goods and services, use the term […]

Most People, Most of the Time are Mostly Good

How often have you heard someone say, “People today are…” usually followed with some form of negative or disparaging comment. Perhaps you have formed the habit of making the same type of comment yourself. It is an interesting human trait that we tend to notice and comment on the negative far more than the positive. […]

Your Brain And Pain.

I vividly remember many years ago, my dentist telling me about a patient who would come into the surgery, take a seat and say, “Just give me a minute.” He would then proceed to close his eyes and after a short time let the dentist know he was ready. I thought I was about to […]

What We All Need

Years ago, I delivered a keynote talk at a conference on the topic of human needs. I asked the audience if they could tell me what five needs drive all human behaviour. They were only able to identify three of the five. This is an activity I have repeated many times since, and the results […]

What is Wellbeing?

This is the first in our new series about Wellbeing. So, what is Wellbeing? Wellbeing can be thought of as the state of being healthy and content, it is the combination of physical, mental, emotional and social aspects that determine a person’s level of happiness and satisfaction. Nurturing one’s wellbeing is essential as it serves […]